Sometimes our fosters fail in the most wonderful ways. What was meant to be a short stay to keep our dogs safe turns into a permanent addition to a family. Here's Lucky's story:
"When we lost our Jack Russell to old age in 2019, not long after losing my mum, I didn't think I could handle loving and losing another dog. But time went by and the hole that was in our hearts whispered 'it's time.' We came across Ellie's on Facebook and decided fostering would be a good way to help a dog out while not getting too attached. Then we met Lucky. "Our first foster dog, Lucky got his name because he'd been lost in the bush, rescued by a hunter, taken to the pound, not claimed and was scheduled to be put to sleep when the vet was called away to an emergency. Ellie's coordinated a rescue effort to get him down the island and to our home. "The journey took a few days and by the time he arrived at our place we were dying to meet him. Knowing what he'd been through we were prepared for a troubled dog. We weren't prepared for the world's most laid back, loving and friendly dog. He sauntered into our yard and into our hearts. He wouldn't come inside at first, but we coaxed him in with treats. When he ate he'd grab a mouthful and run outside. He was exhausted and slept a lot. But he quickly learned that our home was safe, and showed us as much love as a dog is capable of showing. We decided after the first night that he was staying with us forever. "He's had some anxiety issues, he doesn't like loud noises or lighters, and got a bit worried when we got our second Ellie's dog. But we worked with Cheryl Trust Practitioner NZ and now Lucky and Rosie are best friends who play and chill together. They complete our family." Fostering is a great way to help save a dog, see if owning a dog is right for you and have a test drive to see if you're the right fit. If you're interested in fostering, please fill in our foster form.